
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Almond Milk - Even My Children Like It

Children are picky eaters. When my kids were younger, when their corn touched their potatoes on their plate, they became upset. Taco after my daughter broke in two before she could bite it and she refused to eat more. When I switched from whole milk to milk-two per cent, we fought about the taste difference is so that, for some time, I bought two percent for me and whole milk for them. When I decided to buy the milk of almonds, I thought the same battle would ensue. I thought at the time of transition for at least three months. Boy was I wrong.
The first day I introduced the almond milk, my older daughter loved it and asked for more after the first cup. My youngest daughter tried it and gave her approval as well. They began to drink almond milk alone and with grain. Soon they began to drink as much as five cups a day each. When I saw the milk disappear so quickly, I cornered my daughter and asked why they drank so much milk. My eldest daughter said: "This milk is good. I can just drink it with my cereal," My youngest daughter said: "Yes, I like it with grain and with my pop tarts." I told my daughter, did not finish that bother you? They both said, "What finish? Apparently, the almond flavor was so mild, my daughters were not bothered him.
In the end, my daughter did something that I did not expect. Instead of drinking milk from the almonds until it was completely gone, when supplies ran low, they saved some for the next day. They would then have to replace cow's milk (my husband still drinks) in their grain to the almond milk was replenished. I asked them about it, too. They were told that we can not waste good milk almond cereal, when supply is low. So we eat cow's milk with our cereal from time to time just to help the milk of almonds longer.
Of course, I realized that it was necessary to increase the amount of almond milk to buy at the grocery store trip. Now I know to stock up, especially when there is a good sale. Frankly, I'm glad this issue. I'm glad I found a milk product that tastes good, is nutritious and well accepted by my kids.